Friday, 18 January 2013

Big shout out to my followers this cold snowy day!

Friday, 18 January 2013

Latest Newborn Pricing and photography packages.

Friday, 18 January 2013


Friday, 18 January 2013

Incredibly blessed that sweet little Sophie's parents were already booked in with me, but what a surprise two weeks late, born on Christmas Day! Feel so so lucky I got to take this beautiful little girls first photographs and meet her lovely family.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Christmas Day newborn

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Waiting on the snow to fall so I can get outside, I have so many ideas for a special snow shoot! Hopefully it will combine with my 7 year old wanting to comply! 
For anyone looking at my pricing, I have just put my prices up slightly, I am sure you have seen many posts about photographers paying out for this and that and training, and getting a fair wage. I certainly am not the most expensive, and I am not the cheapest. I usually spend a week to 14 days editing a whole one hour session. Some photographers put 50 images up, some put them all up, my disk price includes over 100 fully edited images. And I do devote a lot of time and love to perfecting those images for my clients, so hopefully if you are a potential client looking at my work, you will take the time to flick through and see just how much work I put in to making photos beautiful. I could run countless discounted mini sessions, but frankly I don't want to rush peoples work and turn out mass produced photographs - thats just me! And I am not knocking anyone who does mini sessions, I will do the odd day throughout the year, and I feel there is a market for photographers whose pricing is cheaper, I am sure there is a photographer out there for everyone, you just need to find the one whose work you fall in love with.

Friday, 4 January 2013

My supplier of all my newborn hats and creator of beautiful things

Friday, 4 January 2013

I would just like to wish everyone a Happy New Year, photographed so many lovely people in 2012, and made lots of friends, feel so blessed to do the job that I do, its certainly not a year since my business has been running, and learning the business skills I need as I go along, my style in the last few months is continuously evolving, and even though editing styles come and go, I tend to produce what I like, so what you see is what you get, what will never change is my need to perfect everything and provide my clients with photographs to wow generations to come. My love of photography and making beautiful images has always been paramount.
Wishing everyone, clients, fellow photographers and friends that 2013 brings a whole year full of love, laughter, happiness and good health x

Friday, 4 January 2013

Some of the lovely new products coming to 2013

Album front covers
2025 © LIZ WOOD PHOTOGRAPHY. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.