Sunday, 18 August 2013

Prove Mackenzie miracles do happen

Just every so often you see something that makes you pause, and hug your own family a little tighter.
Since becoming a Butterfly Wishes Photographer my eyes have been opened to so many devastating illnesses. Neuroblastoma is one such illness, its a very aggressive cancer, and once a child relapses in the UK, there is no second chance of treatment. There are various online petitions (you only need 100,000 signatures so my local MP's secretary told me), not much eh, to get the Government to take notice, and bless they are on break at the moment.

Sadly cancer waits for no-one, and little children like Mackenzie don't have a chance to wait either.

I cannot imagine, knowing that their is treatment and I suddenly have to raise a staggering sum of money to try to save my child's life. Even more so when other Countries pay for this treatment, I am not quite sure why 100,000 signatures should convince the UK Government to look at the issue or bring the relapse protocol in sooner than is planned. Surely this is what every person across the Country must want? No child should be left to die over money. 

So if you take a minute to read this, please take a minute to give to Mackenzie, either if it is just a pound, or sharing her page.

Help prove to Mackenzie and her family that miracles can happen.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Meet sweet little Princess Amelia

This is 3 different shots transformed to look like baby is holding herself up, lots of photoshop work involved, but you have to agree she really is a Princess x

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

My little munchkin!
In between the newborns, and shoots, its nice to take time out to do one thing a day which makes your heart sing.
2025 © LIZ WOOD PHOTOGRAPHY. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.