Saturday, 28 December 2013

Baby Amelia

Mummy and I decided to create a "Paris" theme for this particular photograph. During a session, apart from the usual "blanket" posed shots. I try to create something that Mum and Dad love. With this particular session we were even blessed to get some incredible outdoor shots too. And another setup on top of the "Paris" theme.

Friday, 27 December 2013

Some of the little ones I couldn't share before Christmas
Wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas, beautiful little 8 week old! Slept better than some newborns!
I have taken some very rare time off this Christmas and sat watching tv and spending time with the family. It truly has been lovely.

Saturday, 14 December 2013

New products for 2014

Bespoke print boxes with mounted prints

All too often these days, everyone is in a rush to get a disk of images. Sometimes they get printed off okay, sometimes you lose all the tiny little details of contrast and colour, moving away from wanting as much as possible to offering bespoke handmade print boxes, containing 15 perfectly mounted prints with an easel for you to display - or frame. The choice is yours. A tactile product featuring captured memories of your gorgeous family.

Friday, 13 December 2013

Some of the little Angels I have had the pleasure of capturing over the last couple of months.

Little newborn cherubs I love to photograph.

Friday, 13 December 2013

Been a while!

The totally manic run up to Christmas began probably around October which has made me seem very quiet! In fact it couldn't be further from the truth. Hoping to share some beautiful images from a few different sessions over the next couple of days! Love my job, love capturing cherished family memories.
2025 © LIZ WOOD PHOTOGRAPHY. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.