Tuesday, 28 March 2017

What to look for when choosing a good newborn photographer - guide for expectant Mums.

Liz Wood Photography, Kings Hill, Great Cornard, Sudbury CO10 0EH, UK
Firstly this isn't a catch! I'm not saying book me, there is so much information out there now. So many businesses selling newborn photography, I think where I live there are 5 or 6 photographers all within 10 minutes drive from me, at varying levels and pricing, it's a complete and utter minefield. Obviously pricing can heavily play a factor in deciding upon a photographer, I know some people can't afford me, and I will recommend cheaper photographers local to me if I know they are safe!

  • So what makes a safe newborn photographer?
Some poses are more unsafe for a baby i.e. frog pose.

This is a pose you love or hate! I actually find this pose really easy and yes I was trained on it, what shouldn't happen is your baby is practice for somebody learning who has watched a Youtube video. Asking your newborn photographer if they've trained or how long they have been doing posed shots like this is acceptable. The market is totally unregulated. There is no body that categorically has responsibility to ensure safe standards are met, I've even seen one quite big photographers training video, where the baby is propped up alone with no hand in place, even during a session a photographer should be able to assure you if you have concerns. I make it clear to my clients to say if they aren't happy with anything. Sometimes this pose tends to aggravate windy tums, as babies back is quite straight which of course is amazing for getting wind out, and this can unsettle the baby, a good photographer will be able to tell if a baby is hungry, has some wind pain, or is uncomfortable. Not every baby will go into this pose, so having trust in a photographer you have chosen is a very important part of the process as you are placing your most precious bundle in the photographers hands. This shot should always have a hand in either at the top or bottom to be safe and then composited in photoshop. Should you go to a brand new very cheap photographer requesting this pose - I personally think no, but if you can't afford a more expensive photographer, don't attempt this, don't risk your baby, there are equally gorgeous poses out there that won't risk your baby. The only way to stop bad practice with photographers is to not expect someone to do something they can't do or haven't had training in. Education for photographers is out there, not everyone chooses to use it or takes notice. So don't be afraid to ask questions - this little person is your most important thing you will ever have!

Even with poses like this, and yes I've seen baby perched on a prop whilst the baby is videod snoozing, babies have a startle reflex. Literally they can jump and fall off something. A hand always needs to be safely in place on babies back. Things to look for in a photographers images - is babies head near anything sharp, are their arms propped up and are they balanced on something, if so was a hand edited out.
 Outdoor newborn shoots are very rare in the Uk, we just don't have the climate, this particular day was sweltering and we were in a wooded area so took the opportunity after family shots to make this gorgeous fairy image. Composites are available now and a good photographer will be able to seamlessly photoshop a baby in a pose into a corresponding digital backdrop. That's one way to achieve all the gorgeous outdoor images, babies should always be warm enough during a shoot. It helps settle them, if you're a bit sweaty in the room, then baby is going to be nice and toasty with no clothes on.
 There are a lot of photographers who don't offer the posed images above but work on a beanbag also above.
 Even something which looks so simple like this image where baby is resting on it's arms. This should not be done by newer photographers who don't have the experience or training to do this, too much weight could go on babies neck, you have to watch for circulation problems. Also if baby is very new, a photographer should be watching out for the clamp, pulling or knocking a not healed umbilical cord can sometimes make a baby bleed out. So this should be taken into consideration when you look for a photographer, check through their portfolio. If you are unsure, ask to see 2-3 different newborn galleries, you can then see if a photographer is consistent with their work.
 Even the best older brother or sister can not always handle a baby that could startle. Your choice of newborn photographer should offer safe posing.
 And I don't think any photographer should be posing a baby actually on a shelf like the image below. This is a composite, even with a hand in place a baby should never be in something high, for this image the shelf was placed onto a beanbag, so the baby was on something large and a hand was in place. Very often baby if sitting up will actually be laying on the floor with his back on the floor.
 This gorgeous little girl baby dressed as a sunflower was actually photographed on a beanbag and then composited into the shot. Babies definitely shouldn't be in this sort of pose without a hand in place.
So what can you do if you can't afford the photographer you love? You have to weigh up if maybe you can afford them but can't afford it all. We're often pushed for the cheapest price for all the digital images. Digital images should be a photographers most expensive product, as that is it, all the photographers work. Do families need 30 images of their newborn? If you're totally in love with a photographers work, look to see if they do a print package, I often tell my clients that maybe you can't afford all the images but you could have 3 stunningly beautiful and edited prints. Weighing up whether you go for quality over quantity is a very real question parents to be should ask themselves. Some photographers may offer a payment plan and release product or images once full payment is received. If that still puts things out of budget then looking for newer photographers is an option, you still need to ensure they are safe, but someone that has trained recently and is maybe portfolio building may be cheaper. Failing that, the following poses are safer poses, a baby laying on it's back on a huge bean bag tucked in is safe, your photographer should have a neck strap on their camera and have the strap round their neck whenever shooting a baby from above.
 Again things photographers should be looking for is nice skin tones, if a foot or hand is going really purple (a photographer should always watch for things like that some babies have atrocious circulation and their hands will go darker and their feet, checking that their is good circulation is essential from any photographer). A baby should never ever be going purple or dark coloured in the face, that would point to airway obstruction and it just should not happen.

Babies generally unless very relaxed love curling their hands into fists, things like this pose is achievable by most photographers, again, baby should always be warm and comfortable, and in a clean environment. I also am quite careful about placing babies on certain wools in case they have a reaction. Babies should never be left even in this pose in can they startle or roll.
 Even newer photographers can achieve these stunning poses, baby is not on an angle the angle is changed afterwards so baby would be laying flat safely on a huge beanbag and the camera angle changed or it's changed in post production.
 Look at photographers work, shooting below noses seldom is flattering on anyone, so if you're looking at cheaper photographers basic knowing how to angle children and babies to get great shots that are safe there should be examples by clicking on their portfolios.

 Note the above two images are actually the same position just a clever angle is changed in camera so baby is laying flat on something huge.

Ultimately cost can be a huge factor in choosing a good photographer, don't risk your babies safety because you love frog pose, something like a baby laying safely on a blanket snuggled up, is just so simple and so beautiful and safe as long as baby is warm someone is close by, those features are the most important thing of all. Don't be afraid to ask questions about whether a photographer is insured. Also watch out for hidden prices, and terms and conditions. Ask questions like - if we choose to opt for a lesser package - can we pick any photos. I have heard of unscrupulous photographers telling clients that a digital image they want is sized for canvas only so they end up being pushed to borrow money. Luckily in this day and age, I don't know barely any photographers who would try this ploy, but just because something looks like a complete bargain, do ask further questions. 
Even if you can't afford a photographer do ask for advice off of them still. Most photographers that genuinely are in the job because they love babies and people will happily point you in the direction of cheaper safe photographers and will refer to other people, a photographer should be friendly and not pushy most importantly.

Liz Wood is an experienced and safe newborn photographer who lives on the Suffolk/Essex border, she has over 24 years experience in photographing, children, babies, families and has specialised primarily in newborn photography for the last few years. 

Monday, 27 March 2017

The magical little animal fairy. Gorgeous little girl dressed as a fairy. Suffolk and Essex fairy photos.

Liz Wood Photography, Kings Hill, Great Cornard, Sudbury CO10 0EH, UK
I was primarily photographing today on my flower fairy swing in my garden, but this gorgeous little girl dressed as a fairy was loving the shoot so much, we decided to take some pictures on the grass and she asked if she could be an animal fairy. So with some creative editing, I produced this gorgeous image. Fine art fairy sessions are available in my studio Liz Wood location or on location around Suffolk, Essex, Cambridge and London. These sessions are just magical for all those little ones who love the wonder, enchantment and magic of fairies. I own a collection of dresses in varying sizes, wings, halos and props to enhance the experience, the new set is almost complete following on from the snow fairies at Christmas, with a range of beautiful ferns, flowers, a "pond", the fine art series flower fairies will be available throughout the year, and really are magical sessions that children absolutely love.
To see more of my magical fairy photos click the link HERE!
Liz Wood is based on the Suffolk/Essex border, within easy reach of Colchester, Halstead, Braintree, Ipswich, Bury St Edmunds, Chelmsford, Cambridge and London. All photoshoots are risk assessed and beautiful fine art images are produced to choose from.

Monday, 13 March 2017

Digital composites - safer ways to have newborn photographs without having to keep moving baby from prop to prop, Suffolk and Essex newborn baby photographer.

Kings Hill, Great Cornard, Sudbury CO10 0EH, UK
To see more of my portfolio please click here.

 The wonderful world of newborn photography now seems to be moving into more composites! Is a composite cheating? Not at all. It suddenly gives you the advantage of endless props and colours. And the best bit is that it means when I do composite images, I don't have to pull baby around, and get them in and out of things, which means safer and less stressful shoots for babies and of course Mum's and Dad's! Of course sometimes there is a place still for putting baby into a prop safely, when there are siblings. My Harry Potter image the composite was actually my own creation and took around 12 hours (kicking myself I didn't save the background as a layer so at some point I'm going to have to recreate it.

 This gorgeous little lady was not a good sleeper and pulling her around just made her upset, I've actually managed to create a beautiful and artistic and varied gallery by compositing baby onto the digital backdrop.

Friday, 10 March 2017

The Princess and the Frog - fairy tale inspired newborn baby photoshoot.

Kings Hill, Great Cornard, Sudbury CO10 0EH, UK
Ha ha! It's crazy! It's not to everyones taste, but I love it! I've had this gorgeous lily pad, water lily, I've got a frog hat and newborn to share too. I'm not even sure where the goldfish came into it, but I love this Princess and the Frog inspired newborn shoot. It's lovely being able to create some magical little stories to my own imagination. Once again the awesome Puddy Pad Designs has created some amazing felted products to fire my imagination.
Liz Wood Photography portfolio

Thursday, 9 March 2017

My latest in the Alice in Wonderland inspired newborn photo sessions. The Cheshire Cat.

Liz Wood Photography, Kings Hill, Great Cornard, Sudbury CO10 0EH, UK
I actually took this photo last year and completely forgot to edit it until last night! This gorgeous little baby, even did the best grins ever wearing the Cheshire Cat hat, maybe it's magical. I've quite a collection of Alice In Wonderland themed newborn props (well let's face it I actually have a vast collection of props full stop). I actually wasn't the greatest fan of Alice In Wonderland when I was little, but the characters are just superb, I just need to keep searching as I have a group photo idea of lots of little newborns, but the right prop hasn't turned up yet in my searches. Sometimes it can take me a couple of years to source whatever I have in my head.
To see more of my portfolio please click here LIZ WOOD PORTFOLIO

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Harry Potter themed newborn photo shoot. Suffolk and Essex creative newborn photographer.

Kings Hill, Great Cornard, Sudbury CO10 0EH, UK
To check out more of portfolio please click HERE.

I've been wanting to do my own take on a Harry Potter newborn shoot - there are so many elements to Harry Potter I wanted to create something magical. Props are a bit of an issue in the Uk, and so of course my go to incredibly talented felted prop maker loved my idea and created me something extremely special - PUDDY PAD DESIGNS, the only issue is the waiting for it to arrive from America. This young lady was my model for the day, so technically it's more a Harriet Potter! But we'll just make pretend it's Harry for now. This beautiful little baby was very unsettled on the day. I couldn't get her into the position I wanted and so I had to rethink slightly how I wanted to create this image. My inspiration was the enchanted dinner hall from Hogwarts with the magical night sky, I was going for floating candles but I feel they took away your eye being pulled to this gorgeous baby, and ultimately, an image should be about that gorgeous little face so I placed the candles on the floor. This shoot took about 12 hours to edit, as there were so many elements I pulled together to make it work, but I think I'm a little bit in love with this gorgeous image.

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Older child, tween session, styled and sparkly glitter shoots. Sudbury, Suffolk, photographer offering magical styled and themed sessions on the Suffolk and Essex border.

Kings Hill, Great Cornard, Sudbury CO10 0EH, UK
Although for the vast majority of my work I specialise in newborn photography. My other love is outdoor styled and themed sessions. I've had to admit defeat on the great outdoors many times, as beautifully dressed children don't always mix with British weather and mud! So I am not introducing beautifully styled sessions taken indoors with light and airy backdrops (like my new flower swing themed days). These are just so lovely. Glitter sessions are perfect if your child likes twirling, all things sparkly, blowing glitter and looking pretty. I've been building up my wardrobe and do have a range of dresses and headbands and halos. These sessions suit slightly older than toddler children. And are perfect as a different type of session as the children become involved in blowing glitter and feeling gold flakes land on them and making a mess - so even though the sessions are cute and sparkly. It also gives even those self conscious children something else to think about making for perfect photographs. To see more of my portfolio please PORTFOLIO

The sessions are studio based, and some of the glitter effects are added in afterwards alongside the careful and creative editing to make a beautiful and enchanting fine art collection to pick your images from.
 These sessions really are perfect for girls big and small or boys who love to sit blowing glitter and sparkles.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Flower swing - beautiful indoor themed pretty photo sessions for children aged 4 and older. Sudbury, Suffolk, photographer offering fine art child portraits on the Suffolk Essex border.

Kings Hill, Great Cornard, Sudbury CO10 0EH, UK
I'm really really excited to be offering these mini sessions now. As the prop is very large and heavy, the sessions will take place on set days. It was the only way to do this safely ensuring the swing was large and frame strong enough to take the weight of an adult.
The beauty of these sessions and I've discovered over the years about shoots outside, is that sometimes our English weather means the shoot has to be rearranged. I will be offering the odd outdoor sunset shoot throughout the year whilst weather permits, however I can offer all year round flower swing sessions. Beautifully styled, pretty flowers covering the swing. Fairy wings can be added in post production. I have a range of dresses from Monsoon, and special dresses made for photoshoots in sizes up to age 12, with a huge collection of halos and headpieces. A huge amount of work goes into editing the images to create beautiful fine art pieces of your stunning child.
Liz Wood Photography Portfolio if you would like to see more of my creative newborn and child portraiture.

The shoot fee includes 3 beautiful professional prints and one digital image of your choice, from a beautifully edited gallery of 10 images to choose from. There is an option to purchase further digital images from your online gallery - please do get in touch if you would like further information - info@lizwoodphotography.co.uk

My home studio is located in Great Cornard, approximately one mile from Sudbury, Suffolk.
Colchester, Ipswich and Bury St Edmunds are roughly 20-40 minutes away, with Newmarket, Cambridgeshire, Chelmsford and London all within a reasonable travelling distance. Liz Wood Photography is fully insured and all shoots are risk assessed to ensure child and newborn safety. 

2025 © LIZ WOOD PHOTOGRAPHY. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.